Friday, May 15, 2015

Want more salt in that wound?

To nursing homes/extended care facilities everywhere: When issuing refunds of advance payments for care to surviving family members after someone in your care passes away, don't drag your heels and take a month and multiple phone calls to issue that check. Oh, and that check? Please issue it to the person who gave you the original check. Don't automatically make it payable to "The Estate of" because not all people have assets that need to go through probate.

I understand that you want to hang onto every penny as long as possible so that you can make more money, but it's not a fair and proper thing to do. You've taken what was a great experience with a fantastic frontline staff and turned it into an ulcer-inducing nightmare all in the name of bureaucratic red tape. Let me rephrase that — Bureaucratic Bullshit.

And City of Detroit life insurance? I'm listed as the primary beneficiary. Why do you need a copy of my marriage license when I'm already listed as the beneficiary? The last time your bringers of red tape 'required' proof of our marriage, it ended with a stolen social security number that the IRS and I will be dealing with forever.

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