Thursday, November 05, 2009

Liar, liar

Yep, just as I thought. The promise to ship yarn on Monday was just so much smoke. Told them that if it had not shipped, please refund my money and stick the future free shipping where our home star never sheds illumination. Received my refund this morning. Of course, they still had use of my money for more than 3 months.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Dear Indie Dyer,

When you offer limited edition yarn colors, know your limits on what you can produce in a reasonable amount of time. Set your order limits and stick to them.Don't accept all orders to the point where you are hopelessly swamped. If you do accidentally accept too many orders, ADMIT IT. Don't keep stalling. After SockSummit turned into late September or early October. By early October it became another week or two. Now, into November, and it's soon — but we know you'll love it and we'll include a coupon for free shipping. Duh! Not a chance. You've had my money since late July. Screw me once, and you don't get a second chance. There are too many reliable indie dyers out there. As soon as I have my refund, I'm spending it on something from Lisa Souza.

Friday, October 02, 2009

Mama Knows Best!

I love it when I'm proved right. DH has developed a problem with a slow heartbeat. I've maintained from the start that one of the meds he was on for hypertension was the wrong thing to use. New cardiologist confirmed it today. Drug in question may indeed be the cause of the problem. Stress test and echo scheduled for the end of the month. In the meantime, that pill is g-o-n-e!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Everything Old Is New Again

So one of the stories on the local news tonight concerns a "new" idea — a traveling produce truck. Buy fresh fruit and veggies from a mobile vendor, just like the ice cream man.

Uh, I hate to break the news to our local news readers, but this is nothing new. We had an adorable little Italian man who drove a produce truck around our neighborhood in Detroit up until the late 70's. We would joke about how this half-breed Sicilian was married to a non-Italian, but it was okay. The best part of buying from this lovely man was that I knew that what he sold me was fresh from Eastern Market — brought in that morning. Can't get fresher than that unless you live on the farm.

Yes, I miss the good old days of the street vendors and mom & pop stores. I hate the big box stores and avoid them as much as possible. Support your local people. I do, as much as possible.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Playoff Time!

You know you’re a hopeless hockey nut when you have the game on the TV but dig out the USB TV tuner to watch Bones and CSI on the computer, all while knitting a red Wendy sock in honor of the Red Wings. And the Wings won game #1. Oh, and my red octopus is sitting on top of the computer screen.

Go WIngs!

Monday, April 13, 2009

The world is run by Idiots!

Time for another rant. I tried to login to our online banking to see if our tax refunds have arrived yet. It didn’t recognize me. Gee, did I screw up the login? Try it again. Nope, still not working. Error message says please call the bank. So I called the bank.

Someone, in their infinite lack of wisdom, decreed that those with accounts not accessed at least once a month must lose their login info and must apply all over again for web access. Are they nuts? I don’t pay bills online. Sorry, I’m old fashioned. I check periodically to see if EFTs have been posted, but usually not more often than quarterly. S-T-U-P-I-D!

Friday, March 13, 2009

This is a Poppet. He sits on my iMac. Learn more about Poppets here.

I'm Hopeless

Why is it that whenever I clean up my desk, I lose at least 2 or 3 items? Currently missing: 1 iPod nano and 1 USB TV tuner.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Edit to add: USB TV tuner was just where it should be — attached to the antenna cable. Duh!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

American Idol

These people do not sing. They warble. Big, big difference. Tired of junk music.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Nerds & Geeks Unite!

Normally, I can’t stand “reality” shows. Pure stupidity. I’m suspending that hatred for Dancing With the Stars — as long as The Woz is still in competition. I will vote for him as often as I am allowed. Long Live Woz!

Saturday, March 07, 2009

i Bought It

Okay, so I went ahead and bought the MacJournal software. Seems it’s easy to use, so maybe I’ll keep up with one of my blogs. Now to try adding a photo.

Edit to add: Nope. Stayed in the desktop part and didn’t upload. Oh, well. Such is life. It’s still good.

Friday, March 06, 2009

On Books

Finally managed to get software to download audiobooks from the library. Unfortunately, they don’t seem to have the titles I most want to read. What can you say. Our local library has a limited selection too. In fact, I think that I’ll donate a bunch when I finally thin things out.

Then there’s Kindle for iPhone and iPod touch! Now, that has me hooked. I’m paying roughly the same as most paperback prices, and no fumbling with bookmarks when the phone rings. Yes, I have to flip pages more often than with a paper book, but it only takes a small flick of my thumb to do it. The thing that concerned me most was what it would do to battery time, but it really isn’t bad. Most of my games chew up a lot more battery charge.

I love new toys!

Testing New Software.

MacJournal is supposed to work with things like Blogger accounts. This is a test. IF it works, I may go ahead a buy a copy. Then again...

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

I hate bureaucracy

If you were born between 1943 and 1954, full retirement age for Social Security is 66. Medicare starts at age 65. Why? I don't want to start drawing Social Security early, but how does this affect my medical insurance that goes with my husband's pension?

Don't bother calling the union office. They don't know squat. Tomorrow, I'll make a trip to the local SS office to see if they have any answers. The fact that the pension is a Detroit Police pension complicates things. Municipal pensions are different than those from private industry. Why must life be so complicated? Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Stupid is as stupid does

I've decided that my other blog will be strictly hobby stuff. This is my soapbox.

I'm getting very tired of the smart asses who have all the answers to every question and those who think they are still teacher's pet snitch. People need to learn to butt out. They need to read posted questions completely before running off at the mouth about unrelated things. They need to stop assuming that they know more than others. They need to grow up and get a life.