Thursday, December 22, 2022

Common Sense?

 I've come to the conclusion that common sense and reasoning no longer exist. I remember so many of my grade school teachers telling us to "think about" whatever it was being discussed. Does it sound logical? If it doesn't sound logical, it probably isn't.

Politicians "must" follow party lines and thinking. Voters blindly follow the talking heads representing their party. Independent thought? Independent thinking is discouraged. Big Brother knows what's best. Politicians no longer answer to the voters. They answer to the lobbyists with the deepest pockets, petroleum, big pharma, international banking.

The medical community drives me insane. I firmly believe that "preventive medicine" is destroying our immune systems. It seems like the more vaccines are being pushed on us, the more potential problems we have. Side effect from a drug? Here's another drug to counteract the side effect. NO! Find a remedy that doesn't produce that side effect. If a new (read "expensive") drug is no more effective than one developed 50 years ago, and it has ten times the side effects, why prescribe it? Go with the cheaper old drug. Nah. That would mean less profits for the big pharma stockholders and less "gifts" for the prescribers.

More later.

Sunday, October 09, 2022

Thoughts on the Upcoming Election

The big issue this year is the return to the pre Roe v Wade days. I call them the "bad old days". The majority of voters either weren't around for them or don't really remember them. Me? I remember them only too well.

The first birth control pills weren't approved by the FDA until I was 16. Even then, most doctors would not prescribe them unless you were married or engaged. Up until then, you had your choice of condoms, the rhythm method (AKA Catholic Roulette) and abstinence. Two years later, my parents were going through a rough patch and during one of their "on again" moments, my mother became pregnant at the age of 40. 

Abortion? No can do. The result was my sister Anita who had a severe form of Downs Syndrome and lived only 10 months. She had lung problems from day one, almost dying when she was a month old. At 10 months she developed pneumonia and died within a matter of hours. The Wayne County coroner accused my mother of letting her die. Some fun, eh?

Two years after Roe v Wade became the law of the land, I decided that it was time for a permanent birth control solution. The pill was causing severe migraine attacks. Vasectomies were not a popular thing at the time, so I opted to get my tubes tied. It was simple outpatient surgery with immediate results. 

It almost didn't happen as scheduled. The admitting clerk insisted that I had to have 'written permission' from my husband. Seriously? Yep. Before Roe v Wade, that was the law of the land. I informed said clerk that my doctor said it was my body, my choice and no 'permission' needed. She looked up who was scheduled to do my surgery and sneered "Oh, you're one of HIS patients." And people wonder why we needed a change in the laws?

When I got married, I had only one credit card, and it was from the company I worked for. When I went to change my last name on the account, they cut my credit limit in half because my husband's credit record was not as good as mine. Shopping for a mortgage on a house? My earnings didn't count. I might get pregnant. This is what those good old days were like.

When you vote next month, think carefully about who you want to support. Many of them would like nothing better than to take us back to those "good old days" when women were less than equal citizens. Your vote is important.

Monday, May 16, 2022