Sunday, December 31, 2023

Childhood New Year's Eve Memory

Early 1950s

Gun safety conscious father wanted to let loose with a couple of shotgun rounds, but knew better than to shoot into the air. He let loose into a snowbank behind the house that hid one of mother's flower beds.

Came the spring and most of her tulips didn't come up. She, of course, had to find out why so dug up the bed. Yep. His shotgun blasts blew the bulbs to smithereens.

And people wonder why I'm warped.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Memories of MacGroup Detroit

 This is from Christmas 2011, but I wanted to share it with my MacGroup friends.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

St. Patrick's Day Memories

When St. Patrick's Day rolls around, one event always comes to mind. I was driving down I-75 listening to the late Jimmy Launce (when WJR radio was still great and not ultra rightwing). 

It must have been 1984 or 1985. Launce was doing one of his prank phone calls and was talking to a lingerie clerk at the Northland Hudson's store. The story was that he needed a gift for his wife and was trying to find a Freudian slip. The poor clerk swore that was a brand she'd never heard of, and tried talking him into one of the different brands they did carry. He kept her going for almost 5 minutes before saying "Well, if you don't have any Freudian slips, do you have any Erin Go Braughs?"

I was laughing so hard, I almost had to pull off the road. I miss the days when talk radio was fun.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

And yet another shooting spree

 In regard to these mass shootings — It's not a gun problem, it's a mental health problem! It's easy to say we need better gun control, but we have more controls now than ever, and those determined to get a firearm for bad purposes are always going to be able to find one. 

What we no longer have is even minimal mental health care. Mental hospitals no longer exist. Drug rehab facilities? Yep, but there are big bucks to be made there. No big bucks to be made from psych problems other than the weekly couch sessions. Let the families, who are untrained and not equipped, handle the problems. How's that working out?

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Thought for the day

 Have any studies been done to see how the Big Pharma profits have been during the Covid scare? How much more in profits has been generated by all of the government mandated vaccines and all of the "test" kits? How much money has been funneled through the hands of the Washington lobbyists? Follow the money trail.