Friday, March 06, 2009

On Books

Finally managed to get software to download audiobooks from the library. Unfortunately, they don’t seem to have the titles I most want to read. What can you say. Our local library has a limited selection too. In fact, I think that I’ll donate a bunch when I finally thin things out.

Then there’s Kindle for iPhone and iPod touch! Now, that has me hooked. I’m paying roughly the same as most paperback prices, and no fumbling with bookmarks when the phone rings. Yes, I have to flip pages more often than with a paper book, but it only takes a small flick of my thumb to do it. The thing that concerned me most was what it would do to battery time, but it really isn’t bad. Most of my games chew up a lot more battery charge.

I love new toys!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Phyl,

I got a Kindle for by birthday last year. I think it's amazing and it's not even the new Kindle Two edition.