Sooooo... 2 weeks ago I spent nearly a week straightening out my dental insurance. Even though all the paperwork was duly filled out, notarized, etc.,etc., they dropped my coverage. Did I mention that I'm having some expensive crown and bridgework done? Yeah. Great timing. Took 5 days to get that fixed (I hope!).
Had a stress test last week. No word from my cardiologist, so I'm assuming it wasn't too bad. I was scheduled for a routine ultrasound tomorrow, but the hospital called to say my insurance coverage was no longer valid. What? That was changed to my name weeks ago. Nope. Called the insurance company. BC-BS had a letter from the city saying that I wanted to unenroll. Apparently, when they reinstated my dental coverage, they managed to cancel my health insurance. After several phone calls to contact the right person, city told me I cancelled it. No way, Jose. I pointed out to her that they even took the monthly premium out of my pension check the first of the month. Oops!
The last I heard, the city acknowledged that I did indeed have coverage and they were trying to contact their person at BC-BS to cancel the cancellation. To play safe, I've postponed my ultrasound for two weeks. It should be straight by then — maybe. Next step? I may have to contact one of our local TV reporters who love to ruffle feathers over stupidity.